CITC officially issued its WLAN regulation for Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act issued under Royal Decree No. (M/12) dated 12/3/1422H which stipulates that any one interested in providing telecommunications services must obtain a License from the Communications and Information Technology Commission, and the Commission Ordinance issued under Council of Ministers Decision No. (74) Dated 5/3/1422H, and due to the importance of regulating this field in response to market requirements, the Commission is issuing this Regulation in order to regulate the use of Wireless Local Area Network equipment Inside and outside buildings and the provision of Internet service through these Wireless Networks.
Accordance of this WLAN regulation, there is updated specification for Data Communication Equipment operating in License-Exempt Frequency Bands: Reference RI117
The regulation and specifications officially enable the introduction and use of WiFi 6e technology in Saudi Arabia over the entire 5925 – 7125 MHz band.
The device that use WiFi 6e Technology need to process CITC certification.