Vietnam MIC(Ministry of Information and Communication) released draft Circular that listing of potentially unsafe product and goods that are under requirement for type approval and self assessment DoC. This new draft of circular will take effect from July 01, 2022 and replace Circular 01/2021/TT-BTTTT , Circular 11/2020/TT-BTTTT.
Related Link:
Circular 11/2020/TT-BTTTT :
Circular 01/2021/TT-BTTTT:
QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT (National technical regulation on 5G mobile communication base station equipment - Radio access part)
QCVN 127:2021/BTTTT (National technical regulation on stand-alone 5G mobile communication network terminal equipment - Radio access part)
QCVN 129:2021/BTTTT (National technical regulation on hybrid 5G mobile communication network terminal equipment - Radio access part)
QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT (National technical regulation on radar equipment operating in the frequency range 76 GHz to 77 GHz for ground transport vehicles)
QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT (National technical regulation on short-range radio equipment in the frequency range 40 GHz to 246 GHz)
QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT (National technical regulation on radio access equipment in the 5 GHz band)
QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT (National technical regulation on electrical safety requirements for terminal equipment connecting to telecommunications and information technology networks)
Related Link:
There is following changes on Annex 1 and Annex 2: Annex 1 (Subject for both of type approval certificate and DoC) Annex 2 (Subject for DoC)
Transferred to Annex 2 from Annex 1
General SRDs (13.553-13.567 MHz, 26.957-27.238 MHz, 40.66-40.7 MHz, 5725-5850 MHz, 24.00-24.25 GHz, 61.00-61.50 GHz, 122.0-123.0 GHz, 244.0-246.0 GHz)
76-77 GHz Vehicle Radar
RFID 13.56 MHz
Some Land mobile radio equipment
Non-mandatory List:
Inmarsat F77 Device
5.8 GHz Equipment (Transport Application)
The category list that marked with "Other Devices"
VHF Device used on water